The last project meeting of the MIMESIS project took place on 4-5. June 2019 in Skien, Norway, where EFD Induction is based. The final meeting was embedded into an international workshop “Workshop on Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing”.Therefore, several well-known experts in the research area of […]
Project meeting

On September 18–19, 2017, the MIMESIS Mid-Term Meeting took place at Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics. The academic and industrial supervisors from WIAS, University Oulu and the industrial partners EFD Induction, SSAB and Outokumpu and two representatives of the Research Executive Agency (REA) met in Berlin to discuss […]
MIMESIS Mid-Term Meeting

The consortium of MIMESIS project met in Berlin for the kick-off meeting on 9-10 of June 2016. After the successful recruitment of all eight Early Stage Researchers (ESR) it was the first meeting hosted by Weierstrass Institute Berlin, where all students, supervisors and associated partners took part. During these two […]
Project meeting in Berlin

The kick-off meeting of the EID MIMESIS took place from October 12th to October 13th at the University of Oulu. All members of the consortium where invited to the “Capital of Northern Scandinavia”. Despite the fact that there where a lot of organizational questions to discuss, there was also time to […]